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Sustainability Teaching, Initiatives, and Dissemination


3 credit interdomain course, N325, Health and Environmental Sustainability will be offered through World Campus in January 2021 and taught by Brenda Holtzer, Abington campus

3 credit interdomain course, N497, Climate Change and Storytelling will be offered in Fall 2021 and taught by Erin Kitt-Lewis and Bill Doan through a Reflection Project Grant


The Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing Sustainability Council published 2 refereed journal articles one in 2020 and one in 2019:

  • Clark, D. & Hockenberry, K. (2019). Supporting Sustainability in a Nursing Simulation Lab. Pennsylvania State Nurses Association Journal, 74(3), 1-10. 
  • Kitt-Lewis, E., Adam, M., Buckland, P., Clark, D., Hockenberry, K., Jankura, D., & Knott, J. (2020). Creating a Generation of Sustainable Nurses: Sustainability Efforts in Nursing Education. Nursing Clinics55(1), 1-10.


We presented at the NLN Education Summit in September 2020 titled:

  • Kitt-Lewis, E., Adams, M., Hockenberry, K., Knott, J., & Clark, D. “Strategies for Threading Sustainability Into the Culture and Curriculum: Cultivating a Generation of Nurse Leaders in Sustainability.” Peer reviewed paper and presentation at the 2020 National League for Nursing Education Summit. Orlando, FL, September 25, 2020(virtual).


Nese College of Nursing named a National League for Nursing Center of Excellence