The Center for Immersive Learning and Digital Innovation (CILDI) is structured to leverage multidisciplinary expertise across key research, healthcare, and educational institutions. Our collaborative approach, guided by experienced leaders from Penn State, Johns Hopkins, University of Michigan, and other prominent partners, ensures the development, implementation, and success of technology-driven interventions in patient safety.
Advisory Board
The Immersive Learning and Digital Innovation Advisory Board brings together leading experts from multiple disciplines and includes representatives from healthcare, engineering, business, public health, and human factors. This board provides critical guidance and strategic direction for all CILDI initiatives.
Key Members:
Patient and Family Advisory Council
(Johns Hopkins and Penn State Health Systems)
Schools and Colleges
- Nursing
- Diane Berish, Penn State Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing
- Medicine
- David Hager, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
- John Madara, Penn State College of Medicine
Human Factors and Systems Engineering
- Johns Hopkins Center for Health Care and Human Facto
- Ayse Gurses
- Johns Hopkins Center for Infectious Disease and Nursing Innovation
- Jason Farley
- Johns Hopkins Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control
- Lisa Maragakis
- Polly Trexler
- Erin Barker
- Penn State Center for Biodevices
- Mary Frecker
- Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering
- Mathias Unberath
- Johns Hopkins Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics
- Russell Taylor
- Penn State Learning Factory
- Matt Parkinson
Simulation and Design Centers
- Penn State Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing
- Christopher Garrison
- Penn State Hershey Clinical Simulation Center
- Shari Hbrovsky
- Penn State Center for Immersive Learning
- Jessica Menold
- Johns Hopkins Arts as Applied to Medicine
- Tim Phelps
Health Systems
- Deborah Baker, Johns Hopkins Health System
- Eric Messner, Penn State Health System
Project Team
The Project Team leads the design, development, and execution of CILDI’s initiatives. Each team focuses on a specific technological component within the center’s vision to drive forward advancements in patient safety.
- Executive Director: Vinciya Pandian
- Research Coordinator: Qingli Ji
- Research Assistants: (Positions TBD)
Project-Specific Teams
Problem Analysis Team
Bindu Anand, Changhwan Kim, Danica Jenelle Sanchez, Erin Barker, Giovanni Valencia, Jiaying Li
Virtual Reality Project Team
Changhwan Kim, Erin Barker, Han Zhang, Kayleigh Cavender, Nitzairan Ramirez-Ruiz, Udeme Isang, Erica Kunisaki, Yu-Chun Ku, Han Zhang
Mixed Reality Project Team
Bindu Charles, Chandler Moser, Changhwan Kim, Elsa Sanchez, Hemi Matta, Jiaying Li, Renilda Tijones, Yu-Chun Ku
Robotics Project Team
Erica Kunisaki, Lydia Al-Zogbi, Deepak Raina
Advisory Cores
Two advisory cores provide specialized guidance, facilitating a systems-engineering and translational approach to the development and implementation of immersive technology.
Systems Engineering and Human Factors Advisory Core
- Johns Hopkins Center for Health Care and Human Factors — Ayse Gurses
- Center for Infectious Disease and Nursing Innovation — Jason Farley
- Malone Center for Engineering in Healthcare — Axel Krieger
- Penn State Center for Biodevices — Mary Frecker
- Penn State Learning Factory — Matt Parkinson
- Penn State College of Engineering — Jason Moore
Translational Advisory Core
Johns Hopkins Health System
- Deborah Baker, Senior Vice President for Nursing and Chief Nursing Officer
- Lisa Maragakis, Senior Director of Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control
- Polly Trexler, Operations Director of Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control
- David Hager, Director of Medical Intensive Care Unit
- Alphonsa Rahman, Nurse Educator and Clinical Nurse Specialist
Penn State Health System
- Eric Messner, Director of Nursing Research
- Rahn Snyder, Infection Control Coordinator
- Andrew Sanabria, Infection Control Coordinator
- Lauren Allison, Nurse Manager of Medical Intensive Care Unit
- John Madara, Director of Medical Intensive Care Unit
Center for Infectious Disease and Nursing Innovation
- Jason Farley, Director
- Kelly Rowensen, Center Manager
Development Team
CILDI’s Development Team integrates immersive learning, robotics, and digital innovation to create, test, and refine technology-based interventions for patient safety.
- Axel Krieger’s IMERSE Lab — Intelligent Medical Robotic Systems and Equipment
- Mathias Unberath’s ARCADE Lab — Advanced Robotics and Computationally Augmented Environments
- Vinciya Pandian’s Immersive Learning and Digital Innovation Lab
- Penn State Learning Factory
- Penn State Center for Immersive Experiences