Preferences for Everyday Living (PELI)
Incorporating the Preferences for Everyday Living
Into Ohio’s Nursing Homes to Improve Resident Care
In 2016, as part of an initiative to encourage person-centered care, the Ohio Department of Medicaid instituted a statewide pay-for-performance policy that provides an incentive for all nursing homes to use the Preferences for Everyday Living (PELI) Inventory to assess resident preferences. Dr. Kimberly VanHaitsma developed the PELI, a 72-item validated instrument shown to indicate nursing home residents’ most strongly held preferences. It is now one of the five quality indicators the Ohio Department of Medicaid uses to determine Medicaid nursing home quality payment rates.
With support from the Ohio Department of Medicaid, Dr. VanHaitsma and co-investigators Dr. Katherine Abbott, Miami University, and Dr. Gerald Gannod, Tennessee Tech University, are leading a project that partners with nursing homes to provide education and training on how to use the PELI assessment tool and apply the information to honor resident preferences and guide daily care. The three-year, $1 million project is called Incorporating the Preferences for Everyday Living into Ohio’s Nursing Homes to Improve Resident Care.
Providing Ohio’s Nursing Homes with Tools, Training and Software to Honor Resident Preferences
The project aims to provide all 960 nursing homes in the State of Ohio with:
- A process of interviewing residents about their preferences, as well as managing, communicating and integrating data Into quarterly care planning meetings
- A plan for continuous quality improvement using a Plan, Do, Study, Act cycle
- Education and training materials for all ranges of nursing home staff
- Solutions to common barriers to implementing preference-based care.
The project also has developed a new mobile responsive website designed to help nursing home teams capture residents’ preferences and gauge their satisfaction with the way preferences are addressed. This tool known as ComPASS (an acronym for Care Preference Assessment of Satisfaction) has been designed for desktop, laptop, tablet and smart phone, and is currently being tested.
In addition, the team presents and consults widely with nursing home providers throughout the state of Ohio, and has created a quarterly webinar series, monthly newsletter, tip sheets and training videos for nursing home staff. These resources are available free of charge at
Evaluation Using RE-Aim Framework
To evaluate the project, co-investigators will use the RE-AIM framework for translational research. They will measure the reach and efficacy of training and education programs; provider adoption and implementation fidelity of the PELI; and maintenance, as shown by the extent to which nursing homes incorporate the PELI into their continuous quality improvement strategies.
The Ohio PELI-Can project (July 2016 through June 2019) is made possible through financial support from the Ohio Department of Medicaid (grant to Miami University and the Scripps Gerontology Center). For more information, see
About the PELI: Supporting Preference-Based Living for Older Adults
The Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory (PELI) is a questionnaire in conversational language that helps caregivers for older adults offer daily care responsive to individual preferences.
Designed for: Residential, community-based and home settings.
Helps to: Support individualized care that meets psychosocial and physical needs, guide staff training, measure quality improvement and align services with expectations for older adults, families and regulatory agencies.
Provides data on: Preferences for social contact, personal development, leisure, living environment and daily routine.
Used in: Varied care settings nationally and internationally. The state of Ohio provides a quality incentive for Medicaid payments to skilled nursing facilities using the PELI.
Versions of the PELI for varied populations and applications are available at