Hello all Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing Alumni and Friends!
It is with great enthusiasm that I address you as your newest Alumni Society Board President for 2024–2026! I have served on the board beginning in 2016 as a director and as your president-elect for the past two years.
I am a 1988 University Park B.S. graduate, where I served as the founding member of the SNAP/NSNA (SNAPS) chapter at Penn State and Hershey during my 1987–88 term as the state SNAP president. The chapter has come a long way in 36 years, consistently representing the college and University in leadership engagement and board service at both the state and national levels.
As well, our Alumni Society Board has also grown over those years in collaborative support of the college and its evolution to our current national recognition in a variety of areas of academic nursing excellence. I look forward to providing alumni leadership in continuing those efforts over the next two years. Together we can demonstrate the collaboration through our individual and collective engagement in alumni events and contributions.
Thank you in advance for your consideration. Our connection to the college as alumni, friends, and family provide us with a shared experience in the nursing profession and education at undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate engagement.
I look forward to working with everyone as we continue building on our Penn State Nursing experience and success.
‘Dr. Nurse Mark’ (title given to me by my students)
Mark C. Crider, Ph.D., R.N. ‘88’ B.S.
Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing Alumni Society Board President 2024-26